Global Trust Challenge
Global Challenge to Build Trust in the Age of Generative AI.
Promoting trust by equipping governments, organisations and individuals to be resilient in the era of scalable synthetic content.

join us in supporting the global Trust challenge?
Seeking sponsors and partners
The coalition is seeking new financial and in-kind sponsors but also communications and amplification partners to raise awareness about the Challenge and help recruit teams to compete.

A G7 mandate for a unique coalition
The G7 has called upon the OECD, GPAI, and other intergovernmental organisations to promote international co-operation and explore relevant policy developments and practical projects.

Building Momentum
Join us at the AI Action Summit
The Global Trust Challenge is one of 35 selected “Convergence AI” challenge leaders to be featured at the AI Action Summit (Paris, 10-11 February 2025). These challenges have been chosen based on their ability to solve concrete problems across the globe thanks to AI.
Join our event at the Summit!
The OECD, in partnership with Japan Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, IEEE and AI Commons are organizing an event on February 10 from 17:00-19:00 at the Japan Cultural Centre to introduce the Global Trust Challenge, an innovative and collaborative initiative aimed at developing joint policy approaches and technical solutions to promote trust and combat the spread of mis- and disinformation generated by AI. You can join us by registering here. Places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Challenge Process
Three Challenge Cycles

Identifying promising ideas
Open call for ideas/ candidates to submit ideas. The jury evaluates proposals. Successful participants proceed to Cycle 2.

Resources allocated to participants to develop functional prototypes. The jury evaluates prototypes. Successful participants proceed to Cycle 3.

piloting and scaling
Additional resources allocated to participants to develop pilot initiatives. Jury evaluates pilots. Prize winners selected.
Pre-Register Your Interest
Are you interested in forming a team to compete in the Global Challenge? Submit your contact details to be among the first to hear when the challenge is officially launched.